Graduates & Theses

PhD | MPhil


徐毅發 XU Yifa
Verbs of Implicit Negation in Mandarin Chinese: An NPI-licensing Perspective
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魏陽 WEI Yang
Jin Chinese Entering Tones: Acoustics, Types and Evolution
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陳健榮 CHAN Kin Wing Kevin
Coordinating Conjunctions in Sinitic Languages and Beyond: Towards a New Typology
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周穎異 ZHOU Yingyi
The Tonal Typology and Evolution of Northern Gan: A Case Study of Xiushui
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李德超 LI Dechao
The Historical Evolution of Chinese Tones and Their Splitting and Merger in Contemporary Dialects: The Interaction between Phonation, Duration and Pitch
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林晴 LIN Qing
The Diachrony of Tone Sandhi: Evidence from Southern Min Chinese
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張靜芬 ZHANG Jingfen
Tonal Patterns and Tone Evolution in Chaoshan Chinese
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沈瑞清 SHEN Ruiqing
Tonal Variation: A Quantitative Study of Jianyang Min Chinese
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張瑩 ZHANG Ying
A Typological Approach to Multifunctional Adverbs in Chinese
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范曉蕾 FAN Xiaolei
Tense, Aspect and Modality in Chinese: A Typological Study
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焦磊 JIAO Lei
A Parametric Study of Diphthongs in Chinese Dialects
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王彩豫 WANG Caiyu
Multi-register Tone systems and Their Evolution on the Jianghan Plain
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洪英 HONG Ying
A Phonetic Study of Chaozhou Chinese
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林文芳 LAM Man Fong
A Phonetic Study of Tones and Vowels in Fuqing Chinese
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李予湘 LI Yuxiang
Serial Verb Constructions in Late Archaic Chinese
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冒晟 MAO Sheng
A Functional Approach to Conditionals in Peking Mandarin
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嚴至誠 YIM Chi Sing
A Phonetic Study of Syllabic Constituents in Hong Kong Cantonese
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鄭紹基 CHENG Siu Kei
An Optimality Theoretical Account of Contemporary Cantonese Rhyming Based on Inferential Statistics
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寸熙 CUN Xi
A Phonetic Study on Implosives in China
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朱琳 ZHU Lin
Ergative Constructions in Mandarin
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孫志陽 SUN Zhiyang
The Lexical Causative in the Zuozhuan
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張軍 ZHANG Jun
A Phonological Study of the Tujia Language
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歐陽偉豪 AU YEUNG Wai Hoo
An Interface Program for Parameterization of Classifiers in Chinese
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潘秋平 PHUA Chiew Pheng
Dative Constructions and Their Extensions in Archaic Chinese: A Study of Form and Meaning
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姚玉敏 YIU Carine Yuk Man
Spatial Extension: Directional Verbs in Cantonese
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HKUST Electronic Theses