
With degrees from Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Kansas, Prof. Qin’s current research uses psycholinguistic methods to test how lexical prosody (tones and stress) is processed by native speakers and adult second-language learners.
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/qinzhenquentin/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6117-7809

With degrees from University of Manitoba and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Prof. Yiu's research interests include Cantonese linguistics, syntax and semantics

With degrees from Peking University, Prof. Zhang's research interests include Chinese historical grammar, cognitive semantics and syntax.
Adjunct Professor

With degrees from University of California, Berkeley, and Harvard University, Prof. Tsou’s research interests include language variation in space and time, computational linguistics and natural language processing, bilingualism, language policy and planning.
Emeritus Professor

Tutored by eminent scholars such as T'ung-he Tung, Paul Serruys and Fang-kuei Li at the National Taiwan University and the University of Washington, Prof. Ting specializes in Chinese dialectology and the phonological history of Chinese. He has exerted great influence on the development of Chinese linguistics as a field by (a) fusing both traditional Chinese scholarship, new fieldwork data and modern linguistics of the West, and (b) holding three important posts, namely (i) Acting Director (1981-85) and then Director (1985-89), Institute of Philology and History, Academia Sinica; (ii) first Professor (1989-94) and then Agassiz Professor of Chinese Linguistics (1994-98) at UC Berkeley; and (iii) Dean of Humanities and Social Science (1996-2004), HKUST. Prof. Ting is also an Academician of Academia Sinica (elected 1986) and an Honorary Member of the Linguistic Society of America (elected 2000).
Associate Professor Emeritus

With degrees from Peking University and University of British Columbia, Prof. Sun's research interests include morphology and etymology, phonetics and phonology, and oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions.